Dabadox ExS, a synonym for a paradox exit strategy determined for Failure and Retrial. The austrian producer, sound designer, rapper and natural scientist tries to transcript phenomena of the anorganic and living nature into sound sculptures. Always searching for a lyrical conservation of distinctive material motions, the music is a close relative and acoustical expression for this as endless and unfulfillable interpreted challenge.
Some reflections from the artist about the EP:
Awakening giants, dropping water collections forced by gravity to built streams, germinating seeds becoming forests, inconspicuous words hiding and causing fundamental deeds, the direction of simplicity towards complexity, coincidences as agents of necissity, the reign of entropy and the limited fight of life against it`s predominance. Arise, the concretisation of a decision with materializing consequences.
Continental Drift
Long lasting, silently existing. Masked advantgardistic harbingers in untapped shallows but despite, the compensation of concentrated energy along its gradient into the enthalpic lower environment comes suddenly. The lateral shears of the collision cones of continental lithosphere boundaries sustain a fragile equilibrium which is predisposed to form disruptions on the visual surface.
Let go
Transforming life periods, catalyzed through facile events, demand the acceptance and adaptance to the new perspective, which is constantly infiltrated and suspensed by the persistence of nostalgia and the illusion of the alternative.
These irritations and distortions make no inner censure possible, visualize and contrast subtile, apparently non existent personality fragments inaccessible to the cortex. Remaining imprints of through decline gained sights in the cognitive and affective landscape expand the horizon of priorities.